Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Psalm...

I'm a little fearful in sharing this...but I'm feeling led to share. May God meet you as he met me today...may this encourage you:

I want to follow you, God. I want to be used up for Christ. God…help me in my unbelief. There are many times I’m scared…just like many of the students you have given me to minister to. I’m scared about what I will have to give up. I’m scared of what I may lose. I’m scared of not being good enough to serve you at all…let alone mighty ways. I’m scared you won’t show up. I’m scared I’m too useless. I’m scared that I’m too sinful. I’m scared…..

But you have not given me a spirit of fear or timidity…but of POWER…of a SOUND MIND! God, I claim that today. I claim that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! You are my GOD…and I will serve. You are my FRIEND…and I will share my heart with you. You are my COUNSELOR…and I will listen to you. You are my SHEPHERD…and I will follow you. You are the LOVER OF MY SOUL…and I am astonished. You are my KING…and I bow before you. You are a CONSUMING FIRE in my life…and I am fearful. You are my COMFORTER…and I am no longer fearful. You are a FATHER to this fatherless one…and I am your son. You are JEHOVAH JIREH…and I can trust you. You are JEHOVAH ROPHE…and I am healed. You are JEHOVAH-TSIDKENOU…and I am white as snow. You are JEHOVAH-SHAMAH…and I am never alone. You are JEHOVAH-MIKKADESH…and you make me like Christ. You are JEHOVAH…and you show me how to be a father. You are JEHOVAH-NISSI…and I am more than a conqueror. You are JEHOVAH-SHALOM…and I can rest in you. You are ADONAI…and you are worth it all…you are worth MY all...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Vernon Pl NE,Atlanta,United States


Diana Pearce said...

Thank you for sharing that. It is very eloquently stated. It does justice to both the thoughts and fears of the sinner in us and to the comfort and hope we claim or can claim when we are one of God's own. I am printing it out and will use it as part of my prayers of praise and thanks.

Lester Mack said...

Awesome and Right on!