Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long Overdue Update

It's been a long time since I've posted on here....thought I'd update everyone on what's going on.

We are now a four-person family!!! Sydney Grace Yates was born to us October 13, 2009 and is now almost 5 months old.

Kylie also started Kindergarten in the fall of 2009, so LOTS of changes!

This "new" lifestyle put on hold my weight loss. I have actually gained 30 lbs of the 60 that I had lost.

Still 30 lbs down overall, but very frustrating for me. Jeannie and I are back on track this week and are doing our best to get back to a healthy lifestyle.

I will be finishing my Master of Arts in Religion with a Pastoral Counseling concentration in May. I have one class left and then I'm DONE!!! :O) WOOT!

That's a basic update for now. Hope all is going well with those that follow my blog! Love you all!!!