Monday, January 24, 2011

The 7 Project

Hello, 412 students and parents!

I am writing to let you know of an assembly that is coming to the Lake Orion school district THIS WEEK!!!  The 7 Project will be coming to LOHS and Scripps Middle School on Wednesday and to Oakview and Waldon Middle Schools on Thursday.  During these assemblies, students will hear about six character traits that are of utmost importance to developing a life that is fulfilling.  Each school is able to pick character traits to speak on based upon each school's need, so at this time, we are unsure of what specific traits will be given to each campus.  

However, here's where we need prayer and support from the Body of Christ!  The seventh trait is a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!  There will be a rally at the LOHS auditorium on Thursday night.  Doors open at 6:00 PM and the rally will run from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  There will be a live band, prizes, and free food at the rally, but more importantly, the Gospel of Christ will be given as the ultimate fulfillment and answer for our lives!  

412 Students will be strongly encouraged over this week to invite their friends to this rally on Thursday.  In order to support this outreach, we will be CANCELING 412 SH this Thursday night.  This will allow students to attend with their friends and see how God will work!

I'm truly sorry for the late notice, but I was just made aware of this project in the last couple of weeks and the LO School District just approved it about six weeks ago.  So...what is supposed to be a seven-month prep time for community churches got crammed into six weeks!  

Please be in prayer for a few things:

1. As of now, the presentation at LOHS will ONLY be to Freshman and Sophomores.  The administration has decided that the Juniors/Seniors will not be involved.
2. The Seven Project speaker will have to ask for permission to invite students at all of the assemblies to the Thursday night finale rally.  One principal has expressed concern about that invitation, so we are not sure how it will be received.  Please pray that God will open hearts to that simple invitation.
3. Please pray for those that will be setting up/cleaning up, serving food, altar workers, prayer partners, etc.  We need to cover this in prayer!
4. Please pray DURING the event on Thursday night from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  I'll try to send out some tweets that will post to my Facebook as well to keep people posted.  My Twitter account is: joshyates and my Facebook name is Josh Yates (simply send me a friend request).

Below you will find a link to a promo video about the Seven Project and also a short description of the Seven Project.  Thanks so much for your prayers and for encouraging your student to get involved!  There's a lot of students out there that need the love of Jesus in their lives!  God is moving!!!

As always, email me with any questions you may have.  God bless you and you're in my prayers!

Josh Yates
Youth Pastor
412 Youth Ministry
Orion, MI



The Seven Project serves as a catalyst to mobilize and equip Christian communities to reach out to schools. The Seven Project is not merely a school assembly or evening rally. It is a comprehensive outreach strategy that equips and trains leaders and students in effective evangelism and discipleship.

The Seven Project Key Components:

School assemblies deal with real life and character issues faced by students. These programs include video segments that deal with anti-violence, scholastic achievement, peer pressure, integrity, substance abuse, abstinence, or others.

Student leadership development. Christian students are taught how to be a positive influence at their school. Seven weeks prior to the school assembly students are given specific plant to implement at their school before the assembly.

Evening events include a clear presentation of the gospel.