Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday 2011


That’s about all I can say about Black Friday this year. Stores are now opening at 9 PM on THURSDAY for the convenience of their shoppers. Let’s see…Toys R’ Us opened at 9, Walmart opened at 10, and Best Buy & Kohl’s opened at midnight. It’s a RACE!

I went to Best Buy tonight at midnight. For those of you that know me, you know that I’m a tech geek and love Best Buy (Apple, too). I went to the store with nothing specific in mind, knowing that there are unpublished specials that are in-store. Thought I might pick up a season of a TV series we like, find a good deal on headphones, etc.

What I found was ASTONISHING! There were probably 1,000 people in line…NO JOKE. The line went from the front door to the side of the building, down the side of the building to the back, THEN all the way across the back of the store, AROUND the other side of the building!!! WOAH!

All this for a CHANCE at a $200 HDTV? A $300 laptop?

I don’t know…I love my electronics…you love the things you love and are willing to brave the crazy people during Black Friday. But the first thing that God brought to my mind was Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:19-21:

Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being. (Peterson, E. H. (2002). The Message : The Bible in contemporary language (Mt 6:19–21). Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress.)

It’s convicting to me. I was thinking about the fact that we are willing to stand in lines for HOURS (I heard that people were lining up in tents at our Best Buy at 3 PM and earlier today) for stuff…more stuff…meaningless stuff. Believe me, I’ve stood in my share of lines too, so this is convicting to me as well.

What if we re-directed those energies…those funds…our time...our families…toward our Savior? To where our treasure should be…dream with me:

- Maybe hunger could be a thing of the past

- Maybe that neighbor that needs Jesus would MEET Jesus

- Maybe that family member that is struggling would be changed by God’s amazing grace

- Maybe abortions would decrease and be eliminated

- Maybe the homeless population would be greatly lessened

- Maybe medicine would reach AIDS-stricken Africa (along with the AIDS education they so desperately need)

- Maybe child slavery/prostitution would be abolished

- Maybe we’d develop a love and hunger for God’s Word that couldn’t be quenched

- Maybe we’d see marriages healed

- Maybe we’d see children drawn back to their parents

- Maybe we’d see parents leading their children in Christ

- Maybe we’d see our churches fulfill their calling

- Maybe we’d be men and women after God’s own heart


That’s a big word, MAYBE. It’s unsure. It’s scary. Possibly that’s the reason we don’t dedicate our whole selves to God…the word, MAYBE. We’re not sure if He will come through. So…we divide our hearts, our treasures, our time with one foot in the world and one foot with God. We become the church of Laodocea.

Is Jesus worth our treasure? Is he worth our time? Where is my heart today? Here, or in Christ? Big questions. I hope you’ll take the time to consider them today…as I have.

MAYBE…we’ll look more like Jesus as a result.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Psalm...

I'm a little fearful in sharing this...but I'm feeling led to share. May God meet you as he met me today...may this encourage you:

I want to follow you, God. I want to be used up for Christ. God…help me in my unbelief. There are many times I’m scared…just like many of the students you have given me to minister to. I’m scared about what I will have to give up. I’m scared of what I may lose. I’m scared of not being good enough to serve you at all…let alone mighty ways. I’m scared you won’t show up. I’m scared I’m too useless. I’m scared that I’m too sinful. I’m scared…..

But you have not given me a spirit of fear or timidity…but of POWER…of a SOUND MIND! God, I claim that today. I claim that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! You are my GOD…and I will serve. You are my FRIEND…and I will share my heart with you. You are my COUNSELOR…and I will listen to you. You are my SHEPHERD…and I will follow you. You are the LOVER OF MY SOUL…and I am astonished. You are my KING…and I bow before you. You are a CONSUMING FIRE in my life…and I am fearful. You are my COMFORTER…and I am no longer fearful. You are a FATHER to this fatherless one…and I am your son. You are JEHOVAH JIREH…and I can trust you. You are JEHOVAH ROPHE…and I am healed. You are JEHOVAH-TSIDKENOU…and I am white as snow. You are JEHOVAH-SHAMAH…and I am never alone. You are JEHOVAH-MIKKADESH…and you make me like Christ. You are JEHOVAH…and you show me how to be a father. You are JEHOVAH-NISSI…and I am more than a conqueror. You are JEHOVAH-SHALOM…and I can rest in you. You are ADONAI…and you are worth it all…you are worth MY all...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Vernon Pl NE,Atlanta,United States

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back to Square One

Well, today I desire to start my weight loss journey yet again. I’ve got to admit that I’m pretty frustrated at myself. I did really well two years ago and lost 50 lbs...only to gain most of it back in the last two years. I’ve got plenty of excuses, but nothing that justifies that. I do think I’ve found a reason, however.

Any time we lose self-control in our lives, it is an indicator of an entirely deeper problem...something is broken inside that individual. There is something broken in me. I have begun to see that I am a truly broken man. I am strong in many areas, but I am also weak in others. I have set my reliance upon myself. I feel as though “I deserve” things, so I deserve to eat how I want. I find my “solace” in food. When things aren’t going well, I’m an emotional eater. This has caused my “relapse”, if you will, over the last two years. Life has been hectic. These last two years have been the hardest I’ve had in ministry. There’s been victory, there’s been pain...some deeper than anyone knows.

I can no longer rely on anyone else but God. This does not mean that I will not place my trust in people, but my reliance must be upon the God of the universe that has called me His child. I am his and his alone. If I go to the heavens, he is there. If I descend into the pit of hell, he is there. He is my refuge, my strength and my portion. I cannot please people, but I CAN please my God. I AM pleasing to my God, right where I am! That is something that we all miss. We don’t have to DO ANYTHING to be loved and accepted by our God! HE PLACES VALUE ON ME BECAUSE HE CREATED ME AND LOVES ME! As I learn to live into this, then my life will change. Little things are changing in my life once again.

I do not desire to be on a diet because I am unhappy with who I am, what I look like and what I think others think of me (even though that is a daily struggle for me). I want to get healthy because my God has called me to have self-control and the life that I am living physically is NOT what he has for me. It is NOT the abundant life that God has called me to. I want to be the daddy that my daughters can look to as an example of what Christ is and how Christ feels about them...this means I need to allow God’s Holy Spirit to continue to mold me and shape me into the man he desires me to be. This means I want to allow the Spirit to teach me to bear his fruit! (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) I need to be the best Josh Yates that I can be through Christ!

I am not there yet...I will never be “there” this side of eternity...BUT...

“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Tyndale House Publishers. (2007). Holy Bible : New Living Translation. (3rd ed.) (Php 3:12–14). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Will you pray that God will work his will in and through me? This is not a journey that I can travel alone. I do not travel this alone, but I need your prayers...and your encouragement.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Love Wins...Most DEFINITELY!!!

Well, after what seems like an aion (ok...I had to put that pun in there, if you don’t know to what I am referring, read the book)...I’m finally getting to write a review of Rob Bell’s “Love Wins.” Ministry happens and is much more important than a few musings about a book. However, I wanted to write down some of my thoughts, so here we go.

(Please note that the book I read was the iBooks form of the book, so quotations from pages within the book may not be on the same page if you are reading the printed version.)

For the sake of brevity, I will largely condense my comments. If you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation, please comment on the blog or on the Facebook post where you clicked the link.

First of all, I am extremely disappointed in how so many Christians have personally attacked Rob Bell. I can’t believe the vitriol that has been spewed by those in the Body of Christ, ESPECIALLY those that have not even read the book! I do believe that when heresy is exposed, it must be decried as such, but whether or not the book that Bell produced is heresy or not, we lose the ability to be heard and reprove when we react in the way that many have. Rebuke assumes relationship, of which I do not have with Rob. I seek to simply respond to some of the points made in his book. Remaining true to the Word of God is ultimately at the forefront of all the responses, but we must also show the love of Christ. Rob is still my brother in Christ...even if we STRONGLY disagree!

I think the main point that Mr. Bell is attempting to get across is the fact that the Body of Christ is NOT fulfilling the call of Christ. We live our lives for ourselves as if we are living for a future kingdom...a kingdom that we cannot or will not see this side of heaven. I have to agree with this point. “Heaven, for Jesus, was deeply connected with what he called ‘this age’ and ‘the age to come.’” (p. 46) The prophets in the Old Testament continually spoke within the context of the “now and not yet.” Prophecy was understood to have a “right now” fulfillment and a “yet to come” fulfillment much of the time. Ultimately, God desires to change people’s lives today...he is all about HIS GLORY because he knows that is what’s best for us! We cannot simply explain away the problems of this world because it will “all be destroyed one day.” We are on this earth to continue to bring the Kingdom of God onto this earth by being Christ’s ambassadors! Yes, the Kingdom of God is coming, but it is also already HERE! The Spirit of God dwells within his your salvation DAILY!

I appreciate Mr. Bell’s comments about the fact that we all desire that injustice be punished and even though most people say that they can’t believe in a God of judgement...the reality is, THEY CAN! “We crave judgement, we long for it, we thirst for it. Bring it, unleash it, as the prophet Amos says, ‘Let justice roll on like a river’ (chap 5).” (p. 56) Also, as is pointed out in the book, while the prophets speak of judgement, there is always a reminder that God would not judge forever. There is a lot of talk about God’s mercy and grace as well! The book of Isaiah is a GREAT example of this!

However, “Love Wins” is based on an extremely slippery slope. “This (the doctrine that only a few will spend forever in heaven) is misguided and toxic and ultimately subverts the contagious spread of Jesus’ message of love, peace, forgiveness, and joy that our world so desperately needs to hear.” (p. 7) What is the goal of God in the world? Why does God desire that “none perish, but all come to repentance?” (2 Peter 3:9) For HIS GLORY! He is the ultimate good, the ultimate love, the ultimate judge!

Much of what Mr. Bell speaks of hinges on what he believes the word aion to mean in translation (p 28). He desires to translate the word (which is translated into English as “eternity”) to mean something more of a period of time with a beginning and an end, rather than a time that has no end. However, in Matthew 25:46 the same word is used for BOTH eternal judgement AND eternal life! “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.” Matt 25:26, NLT. This is referring to those that did and did not reach out to others while on the face of the earth...they did that to Christ. You can’t translate it both ways! Either both are, or both are temporary. To say that “eternity” wasn’t understood as eternity to the original readers of the Scripture is a LARGE stretch. “To be sure, the adjective aion may on a few occasions have reference to an age, that is, a very long period of time, rather than to eternity. Usually, however, in the absence of a contrary indication in the context, the most common meaning of the word is the one in view (eternity).” (Erickson, 1238)

Mr. Bell brings humanism into the picture and wraps it in the cross. It’s as if God is sitting in the background and hopping up and down like a school boy screaming “Pick me! Pick me!” Eternal punishment is referred to throughout the Scripture (Matt 18:8; 25:41, 46; Jude 6-7; 2 Thess 1:8-10; Rev 14:11; 20:10) and cannot be seen otherwise. God has offered us grace and mercy through the cross, which Bell readily believes and espouses. However, it seems as though he places man in the center of the equation and as long as we eventually choose Christ, whether on this side of death or the other, we can be saved and enter into heaven’s glory. This is NOT something that is supported by the Scripture as seen in the above-referenced verses. Hell is a literal place that people choose to be in...and go to. It can be both on this earth and will be in eternity. To simply explain that when Jesus refers to ghenna (hell) as a garbage dump is to forget that Jesus was the master teacher! He was masterful at word-pictures and illustration! What an illustration!

As I stated earlier, I could go on...but will conclude here. Can there be heaven on earth? Through Christ, we can have a PICTURE of what heaven will be like, but nothing here can EVER compare to what God has in store for his people. Can there be hell on earth? Yes, through poor choices and the sin of mankind, we can live in a type of hell on earth. However, nothing can compare to what an eternity without the presence of God will be like! Is there a literal hell? The Scripture speaks of that implicitly. Do people get a second chance to accept Christ? YES!!! Second, third, fourth, 100 chances...this side of death. The grace of God is HUGE! It overcomes any and all sin! The cross of Christ redeems the most evil of men when they choose him. However, “ And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, so also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.” Heb 9:27-28, (NLT) Scripture simply does not support a second chance after the finality of death.

“The argument that eternal punishment is unfair (because there is a disproportion between temporary sin and eternal punishment) wrongly assumes that we know the extent of the evil done when sinners rebel against God” (Grudem, 1151). This argument (which Bell seems to support) again places man’s intellect and sense of morality at the forefront, not God’s. “Man was designed to live eternally with God; (it may well be that) if man perverts this his destiny, he will experience eternally the consequences of that act” (Erickson, 1240). This fact should move our hearts to sorrow AND action! “It is hard - and should be hard - for us to think of this doctrine (eternal punishment) today. If our hearts are never moved with deep sorrow when we contemplate this doctrine, then there is a serious deficiency in our spiritual and emotional sensibilities” (Grudem, 1151-2).

Ultimately, Rob Bell says a lot about what he believes, by really saying nothing. He gets close to saying where he stands, and stops short. He enjoys tension and asks many questions without answering them himself (even though the Scripture speaks to his questions). He loves to read between the lines, but reading between the lines within our cultural context is not a sound hermeneutic.

Finally, remember that it is not God that sends us to hell. God has offered salvation to anyone that will accept him (John 3:16). “God created man to have fellowship with him and provided the means by which man can have that fellowship. It is man’s choice to experience the agony of hell. His sin sends him there, and his rejection of the benefits of Christ’s death prevents his escaping” (Erickson, 1240). C.S. Lewis puts it well, “Sin is man’s saying to God throughout life, ‘Go away and leave me alone.’ Hell is God’s finally saying to man, ‘You may have your wish.’ It is God’s leaving man to himself, as man has chosen” (Lewis, 127-28). (We’ll leave the doctrine of predestination and the sovereignty of God for another time!)

So...does love win? YES, in both grace and judgement, for GOD IS LOVE...and he is holy.


Bell, Rob. Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. New York, NY: HarperCollins e-books, 2011. iBooks e-book.

Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1985.

Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids, MI: Inter-Varsity Press & Zondervan, 1994.

Lewis, C.S. The Problem of Pain. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1962.

Friday, April 15, 2011

VIVID Week 5 E-Votion 1 & 2 + Memory Verse

Here are this week's VIVID e-votions and memory verse. Memorize = SPIN THAT WHEEL!

Friday, April 08, 2011

VIVID Week 4 E-Votion 1 & 2 + Memory Verse

Sooooo sorry I'm late this week! Here's both of week 4's e-votions and this week's memory verse!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

VIVID Week 3: E-votion 1 and Memory Verse

Memorize the verse and SPIN THAT WHEEL!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

VIVID Week 2 E-Votion #2

VIVID Week 2 E-Votion 1 & Memory Verse

Here's VIVID Week 2 E-votion 1 and Week 2's memory verse! REMEMBER, if you memorize the verse and can quote it at 412 AM this Sunday morning, you get to SPIN THAT WHEEL for some great prizes!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

VIVID Week 1: The Fight Within (James 1:12-17)

Yesterday we started our six-week journey into the book of James. I'm extremely excited about what God wants to teach us over the next six weeks!

This week, remember that there is NO temptation that God cannot help you out of! He will give you a way out! Keep fighting against temptation and remember that it's worth it! Don't forget what the cycle of temptation leads starts with our EVIL DESIRES, then leads to TEMPTATION. That leads to SIN and then sin leads to DEATH! (Sorry, couldn't do the cool fire transition here.)

Each week, I will be posting on Facebook, my blog, as well as emailing out two weekly E-Votions and one memory verse card for you to use as part of your times with God! As a motivator, if you come on Sunday AM with the last week's verse memorized, you will get to play "SPIN THAT WHEEL", a new game that has numerous and awesome prizes!

Let's really dig into God's Word during this study! I am praying that God uses James in your life greatly!

Here's this week's E-Votion and memory verse card:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Cost of Sin

Just recently I have started a Bible reading program that will allow me to read the entire Bible in 90 days. It's been great to be reading it cover to cover again! I miss a day here and there, so it won't happen in exactly 90 days, but I'm plugging along!

Over the past few days, I've been in Exodus and Leviticus. It's good stuff, but it can be hard to understand, especially all of the different types of sacrifices in Leviticus (sin, grain, peace offerings, etc) and the types of food that can be eaten and what can't. Maybe this post will help a bit, but that's not really the purpose of writing today.

I am just struck by the cost of sin. In order for the people of Israel to be made right with God, there had to be bloodshed. There had to be restitution. "Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness." - Heb 9:22

As I's a LOT of bloodshed! Many people can look at this in many different ways. One of the most common is that God loves killing and death. He's a "mean" God. This just doesn't jive with the rest of Scripture. He is a loving God! However, he is a JUST God. Sin HAS to be punished.

The cost of sin is high. Leviticus shows that sin is a SERIOUS thing to God. It separates us from a relationship with him. It separates us from relationship with each other. The wages of sin is death. (Rom 6:23) Death is the ultimate separation from God...requiring the ultimate sacrifice to remedy it!

This brings me to the cross. That is where the blood of an innocent Lamb was shed for me. For you. God sacrificed his Son to give me life. What a thought...the Son of God giving his life for mine. I'm just not worth least in the eyes of this human. But God is different. God is bigger. God is love. God saw my need...and met it.

Sin costs a lot. What should that mean for the life I live? The choices I make? It should change me...and it has and does a lot. But I have a long way to go. I praise God for this sacrifice that he gave for me. I would have no hope otherwise. It's an amazing thing, this salvation we have been given. We have a hope that must be shared.

Sin costs a lot...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, January 24, 2011

The 7 Project

Hello, 412 students and parents!

I am writing to let you know of an assembly that is coming to the Lake Orion school district THIS WEEK!!!  The 7 Project will be coming to LOHS and Scripps Middle School on Wednesday and to Oakview and Waldon Middle Schools on Thursday.  During these assemblies, students will hear about six character traits that are of utmost importance to developing a life that is fulfilling.  Each school is able to pick character traits to speak on based upon each school's need, so at this time, we are unsure of what specific traits will be given to each campus.  

However, here's where we need prayer and support from the Body of Christ!  The seventh trait is a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST!  There will be a rally at the LOHS auditorium on Thursday night.  Doors open at 6:00 PM and the rally will run from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  There will be a live band, prizes, and free food at the rally, but more importantly, the Gospel of Christ will be given as the ultimate fulfillment and answer for our lives!  

412 Students will be strongly encouraged over this week to invite their friends to this rally on Thursday.  In order to support this outreach, we will be CANCELING 412 SH this Thursday night.  This will allow students to attend with their friends and see how God will work!

I'm truly sorry for the late notice, but I was just made aware of this project in the last couple of weeks and the LO School District just approved it about six weeks ago.  So...what is supposed to be a seven-month prep time for community churches got crammed into six weeks!  

Please be in prayer for a few things:

1. As of now, the presentation at LOHS will ONLY be to Freshman and Sophomores.  The administration has decided that the Juniors/Seniors will not be involved.
2. The Seven Project speaker will have to ask for permission to invite students at all of the assemblies to the Thursday night finale rally.  One principal has expressed concern about that invitation, so we are not sure how it will be received.  Please pray that God will open hearts to that simple invitation.
3. Please pray for those that will be setting up/cleaning up, serving food, altar workers, prayer partners, etc.  We need to cover this in prayer!
4. Please pray DURING the event on Thursday night from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  I'll try to send out some tweets that will post to my Facebook as well to keep people posted.  My Twitter account is: joshyates and my Facebook name is Josh Yates (simply send me a friend request).

Below you will find a link to a promo video about the Seven Project and also a short description of the Seven Project.  Thanks so much for your prayers and for encouraging your student to get involved!  There's a lot of students out there that need the love of Jesus in their lives!  God is moving!!!

As always, email me with any questions you may have.  God bless you and you're in my prayers!

Josh Yates
Youth Pastor
412 Youth Ministry
Orion, MI



The Seven Project serves as a catalyst to mobilize and equip Christian communities to reach out to schools. The Seven Project is not merely a school assembly or evening rally. It is a comprehensive outreach strategy that equips and trains leaders and students in effective evangelism and discipleship.

The Seven Project Key Components:

School assemblies deal with real life and character issues faced by students. These programs include video segments that deal with anti-violence, scholastic achievement, peer pressure, integrity, substance abuse, abstinence, or others.

Student leadership development. Christian students are taught how to be a positive influence at their school. Seven weeks prior to the school assembly students are given specific plant to implement at their school before the assembly.

Evening events include a clear presentation of the gospel.