Friday, September 28, 2007

Image of God...Fallen Man

As I consider the fact that mankind is made in the image of God (as seen in the creation account in Genesis) and that we are fallen, that is, full of sin...I am drawn to what Paul had to say in Romans 7:7-25.

Sin has taken control of mankind. This is a direct result of the "first Adam" (Rom. 5:12-19). The Law was given to Israel in order to "define" what sin is and what God expects of His people. The Law did not save man, Christ did. We can recognize sin because of God's Word...we can be saved from sin because of the Son of God! We have a new nature within us (2 Cor. 5:17), however the old nature is still at work within us! Paul describes this in a bit of detail. He finds himself doing the things that he knows he should not be doing...he states that he does the things he HATES! There is nothing good in the heart of man...the heart is full of sin. The regenerate man/woman has the desire to do what is right, yet that person finds that he/she does evil in the middle of that desire. The sinful nature is strong and alive. Who is going to save us???!!! (I ask this question along with Paul.) Jesus is the ONLY answer. We have been given a second chance. We have no ability to overcome sin in ourselves...all we have is the old, sinful nature. Through Jesus Christ and because of the Holy Spirit, we have a new that allows us to overcome sin through the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit!

I am also drawn to Romans 5:12-21 where Paul speaks of how sin entered the world through Adam and justification entered through the "second Adam," Jesus. Death entered through Adam and all of mankind has no choice but to sin as a result of his sin being passed down through every generation. Justification entered the world because of Jesus' sacrifice that satisfied the holiness of our God. We are blessed to "receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness..." (Rom. 5:16) because of Jesus Christ!

It is of utmost importance that leaders of the church remember the nature of the people that God has placed in our care. The nature of all people is sinful.

Jer 17:9

9 The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?

We are without cure. We are a deprived and immoral people...without the cross of Christ. The Holy Spirit enters the life of the individual that accepts Christ as their Savior and that person become regenerate. However, we are BEING saved...from grace to grace. Our salvation is a process that is continual. We are all at different points in our journey and the goal of discipleship is movement toward God. We cannot expect the people in our care to go from a "1" to a "7" in the span of a week, month or year. The goal is to introduce people to Christ, educate them about who He is and what God's Word has to say (this is through personal interaction and training people how to disciple themselves) and facilitating growth at all stages of life. We cannot overemphasize the fact that we are all sinners...or the fact that we have Christ living within us. Both are equally true. We all need to become more like Jesus EVERY DAY THAT WE LIVE...and we all need help getting day, one step at a time.

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